collage of the fire department

Agricultural Burning

The Massachusetts State Fire Code & Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) allows for Open Agricultural Burning in Williamsburg if the following conditions are met:

  • The Assessor has designed the land to be Farm/Agriculture land and meet the requirements of M.G.L. C. 128 s. 1A
  • A permit has been obtained from the Williamsburg Fire Department.
  • Open burning is only allowed on approved days, 2 hours after sunrise to 4:00 pm
  • The fire and smoke must not pose a hazard to any property.
  • The smoke must not create a nuisance or health hazard in the neighborhood.
  • Burning must take place on the designated Farm/Agricultural property only.
  • Burning shall be on land proximate to the place of generation
  • For the purpose of burning blueberry patches, dead raspberry stock, fruit tree prunings, and affected beehives for disease control or brush and trees resulting from agricultural land clearing operations.
  • Burning must be at least 75 feet from any combustible building
  • A competent adult must be present at all times. No unattended fires are allowed.
  • No such burning shall apply to commercial or institutional land clearing for non-agricultural purposes.
  • Fire-controlling equipment shall be available at all times during the burn

Permits are obtained through the Williamsburg Fire Department.

If the fire department is called to your property for any outside fire, we reserve the right to extinguish or order any fire to be extinguished at the fire officer’s discretion. Permits can be revoked or suspended at any time.

For additional information please see the following;

M.G.L. c. 48 s. 13

M.G.L. c 111 s. 142L

M.G.L. c 128 s. 1a

310 CMR 7.07

Contact Us

Chief – Jason A. Connell

Deputy Chief – Daryl Springman

Fire Dept Admin – Kenneth Taylor

16 Main Street
P.O. Box 425
Williamsburg MA 01096

Phone: (413) 268-7233
Fax: (413) 268-7846

Emergency: 9-1-1

Non-Emergency Dispatch #
(413) 586-1508

Radio Frequency: 154.370
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Latest News
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