collage of the fire department

Open Air Brush Burning Permits

Massachusetts allows residents to burn brush between January 15 and May 1, depending on weather conditions and air quality as set by the MassDEP. You must obtain a permit from the town in which you plan to burn brush.

Mass DEP Daily Air Quality Report

The Season Starts January 15th and ends May 1st

Open Brush Burning Season starts January 15th and goes through May 1st. To obtain a permit, log onto on the day you would like to burn after 8:30 am and self-issue your permit. This is the most efficient way to obtain a permit. The program will turn on and off automatically. The system will not allow you to obtain a permit if burning is not being allowed. You may call (413) 268-7233 and select option 4 if you do not have access to the internet, although permits may not be issued the same day, so we recommend calling before the day you would like to burn to obtain a set of the rules.

Online Burn Permits Program


  • Regulations

  • You may only burn BRUSH! All other materials are illegal. No leaves, grass, hay, stumps, building debris, or any other materials are allowed to be burned. Tree trunks and limbs greater than 4" in diameter are not considered brush.
  • All open burning must be a minimum of 75 feet from buildings or structures.
  • Burning will be allowed to start at 10:00 am and must be extinguished by 4 pm.
  • Any open fire must be attended at all times by the permit holder.
  • No person shall set, maintain or increase a fire in the open air at any time except by permission.
  • You must be 18 years or older to apply for a permit and/or set, maintain, or increase a fire once permission has been granted by the Fire Department.
  • You must have an appropriate means to extinguish an open-air fire completely at the end of the day or if requested by the Fire Department.
  • The Fire Department can refuse or cancel a permit at any time. (Example: Violation of permit regulations, or change in weather conditions.)
  • The open burning season is January 15 - May 1.
  • Massachusetts Regulation 310 CMR: DEP 7.07 "Open Burning"
  • More information from the Massachusetts DEP.

Burning is allowed day by day only. Permits for future dates will not be issued.

Contact Us

Chief – Jason A. Connell

Deputy Chief – Daryl Springman

Fire Dept Admin – Kenneth Taylor

16 Main Street
P.O. Box 425
Williamsburg MA 01096

Phone: (413) 268-7233
Fax: (413) 268-7846

Emergency: 9-1-1

Non-Emergency Dispatch #
(413) 586-1508

Radio Frequency: 154.370
Listen Live - Click Here!

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