collage of the fire department

Williamsburg Firefighters start repairs at the fire station

Repairs to the engine bay floor in station 1 are now underway

Retired Chief Lawton chipping away at apparatus floor.

A much needed repair to the floor at our station 1 is underway. The project will consist of removing the old concrete which is broken and sunken, digging out an old discontinued drainage pipe, back filling the area and putting some reinforced concrete back down. The current concrete varies in depth from 3 to 5 inches and is not reinforced. Due to the weight of today's apparatus and poor drainage the floor cracked and sank down approximately 7 to 8 inches and would most likely continue to sink further without the repair.

The repair is being spear headed by the members of the Williamsburg Firefighters Association with much needed support from the Williamsburg Highway Department and Building Maintenance Department. The project is planned to only take a few days to do the repair and up to a week for the freshly pour concrete to set. Due to the volunteer work and donations of equipment the cost to the town is expected to be minuscule. The Williamsburg Highway Dept has graciously provided a garage bay to house our apparatus during the process and the tools and some materials to help with the project.

Attached File:

Posted: to General News on Sun, Sep 11, 2016
Updated: Thu, Nov 10, 2016